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The mission of God flows from the love of God. The mission of God’s people flows from our love for God and all that God loves. Obedience to the two great commandments, to love God and to love one’s neighbour as oneself, is the practical expression of Christian mission.

Our understanding of God’s mission is more fully expressed in The Cape Town Commitment make into link to following page

At Craiglockhart Church we serve in mission longing to see people come to a living faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, with a desire to see people grow in their Christian faith, and in partnership with others.

Our small groups encourage us in our discipleship, and you can find out more about them here. We regularly run Alpha courses, the Prayer Course, the Talking Jesus Course and the Grace Course.

All of these courses help us to learn and grow and give us confidence in our walk with God and
to share him with others.

If you would like to hear more of to be informed when the next course begins, please contact
We share in God’s mission with the following partners:

SU Scotland’s vision is to see the children and young people of Scotland exploring the Bible and responding to the significance of Jesus.
We work together with the ESteam in Edinburgh to serve local schools running SU Groups and events for young people in Edinburgh.

The Presbyterian Church East Africa Hospital at Chogoria in Kenya was founded in 1922 by Scottish missionaries and from 1956 has been owned and managed by the PCEA.
Chogoria hospital has a capacity of 295 beds and offers curative, preventive and promotive health care services. It 
is the main referral hospital for Eastern region with a catchment covering Embu, Tharaka Nithi, Meru, Isiolo and Marsabit counties.
The hospital offers a wide range of comprehensive diagnostic, curative and rehabilitative services.
We regularly have fund raising lunches to support the work of Chogoria Hospital.

Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
Thousands of people needlessly suffer and die every day because of poverty. But that’s not God’s plan for the world. And God is calling you – all of us – to reach out to people in greatest need. We partner with local churches and organisations who have a crucial role to play in the places worst affected by poverty.

Bethany Christian Trust is a national charity whose mission is to relieve the suffering and meet the long term needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland.
We share a big vision – to work together towards the aim of ending Homelessness in Scotland.
We do this practically, one person at a time, one family at a time, and one community at a time; with 
the invaluable support of all our stakeholders, partners and supporters.
Each year we support the work of Bethany Night Shelters preparing and serving meals at a Bethany night shelter.

Fresh Start is an Edinburgh based charity helping people who have been homeless establish themselves in their new home. We are a charity helping to end homelessness.
We work with volunteers and organisations from a broad section of the community to deliver a range of services providing the practical and social support people need to resettle successfully.
Each year, Fresh Start helps thousands of new tenants, ranging from 
families to individuals, make a home for themselves.

We are a global movement of people, churches and local organisations. We are the changemakers, the  peacemakers, the mighty of heart.
We work with local partners and communities to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, campaign for change, and help people claim the services and rights they are entitled to.
We regularly share news of Christian Aid’s work and each year participate in the Christian Aid Week collections.

Release International is an inter-denominational Christian ministry working through local church partners in more than 25 countries, helping persecuted Christians prayerfully, pastorally and practically. Our ministry is based on Hebrews 13 v 3: ‘Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.’
Release International was founded in 1968, inspired by the testimony and ministry of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for his faith for 14 years in communist Romania.

The first Easter Play was performed in Princes Street Gardens in 2005 on the Saturday of Easter weekend.
Hundreds of people contributed their time and skills to making it happen, and over 3,200 people came to watch, despite somewhat inclement weather!
The creative team was led by Suzanne Lofthus, who has directed the Easter Play almost every year since, working with writer Kamala Santos and actors Chris Duffy, Duncan Rennie and Sam Rowe in the role of Jesus.
In recent years, a large team has come together to tell the story of Easter in the dramatic setting of Princes Street Gardens. A new production is created from scratch annually, always finding new ways to tell the story. Due to covid-19, we were not been able to stage live productions in 2020 or 2021. However, we created an exciting programme of online work for Easter 2021.
‘Saturday’ is a new audio play which tells the story of Easter. On the day between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, we meet disciples and Roman soldiers, changed by their encounters with Jesus, wondering what’s going to happen next.

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