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LATEST News from our Eco group



Many thanks to everyone who has contributed so far- the current count is 10. They are all off being sewn together, along with others I'd been given , all ready for their trip to the Scottish Parliament  on 25th September. There is a lovely new basket under the table at the side door, ready to receive any more! 


Past updates


Consumed at Edinburgh science Festival - join in - its free 


Thursday 14 - 19 April - Granton Station Square (next to Wasps Studios


Interactive exhibition Consumed  Granton Station,  Edinburgh. Bring the whole family around for fun games and hands-on displays for everyone to enjoy! 
Learn how what we eat, what we wear and how we live can impact the world. Little changes in our daily habits can make a big difference for our climate. Find out how you can make positive changes that are easy on your wallet and great for the planet.


Greenpeace and Tearfund are amongst the environmental organisations asking for our support in this important survey of the amount of plastic we have to deal with on a daily basis.

It’s very easy  to sign up via
Print off a survey sheet stick and it to your fridge. During  11-17 March  (or any other 7 day period before 31st March) simply record the plastic you have had to deal with each day. There are clear instructions on what to do. This is NOT about how much you can manage to recycle. It is a count of how much plastic we are all faced with every day.
Once all the results have  been submitted at the end of March ,
this will  provide evidence to put pressure on the UK Government to take strong action at the upcoming Global  Plastic Treaty  talks, hopefully striving for the sorts of measures we need to end the age of plastic.


Our Eco Group February 2024 update


Will you be a Climate Voter?

A General Election will be happening some time in 2024.
Greenpeace is urging us to take part in ‘Project Climate Vote’ to push the next government , whoever they might be, to take serious and meaningful action against climate change.

You can sign up via where you can also download a poster to display in  your window. Let’s show visible support for climate as a top voting priority - to whichever party may come canvassing !


Autumn 2023 Update


This is the second time the canaries have been displayed , more recently in response to the UK Government’s plans to authorise more drilling for oil in the North Sea. We urge you to write to your MP with your concerns. You can do this easily via


Last summer we hosted a display of some of the panels created for the Stitches for Survival project  , a creative action leading up to  COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021.Over 1700 of these panels were knitted, crocheted, embroidered ,quilted or otherwise stitched to be displayed on Glasgow Green , and contributions were received from all over the world. You can find out more about this project at

Christine took a collection of these panels for display at the Eco Congregations Annual Gathering in Livingston this  year, and spoke to the Gathering about the project.


We took part in the Climate Coalition’s  ‘ Show the Love ‘ project , with the congregation once again taking up their knitting needles and crochet hooks to make blue and green hearts , showing our love for the planet . These were displayed in the garden, and like the canaries, attracted interest and comments from those passing by.


Our application for the Eco Congregations Bronze Award has been submitted, the assessors have been in touch, and we hope to arrange a date for their visit to Craiglockhart early next year.


We are a small group ( Norma Henderson ,  Jane Chidwick, Gill Christie and Christine Thomson ) and would very much welcome anyone who would like to join us! If you would like to help Craiglockhart to play their part in addressing the climate crisis we all face , please speak to one of the team on a Sunday , or contact us via the church office (













Craiglockhart Parish Church - Created with

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